
Altair Physics Solvers & Optimization

Altair EDEM™

Altair EDEM - Simulation of Bulk Material

Altair EDEM - Simulation of Bulk Material

The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is a particle-scale numerical method for modelling the bulk behaviour of granular materials and many geo-materials, especially naturally occurring minerals. Altair EDEM is a versatile tool that allows customers to design and develop power machinery while simultaneously optimizing how this equipment processes and handles bulk materials. The main objective of the EDEM simulation tool from Altair is to give engineers insights about the interaction between materials such as pellets, tablets, powders, coal, soil, and rocks with machinery. Altair EDEM allows for faster workflows and includes tools for quick and easy simulation setup.EDEM has the interfaces and functionality to couple with all of the major CAE technologies such as finite element analysis (FEA), multi-body dynamics (MBD) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It can couple seamlessly with Altair OptiStruct™, Altair MotionSolve™ and Altair AcuSolve™, as well as with 3rd party software.

EDEM software is made of 3 core components: EDEM Creator, Simulator, and Analyst.

EDEM Creator is the pre-processor for setting up an EDEM simulation model, EDEM Simulator is a powerful solver for fast and efficient simulations while EDEM Analyst is the post-processing environment where simulations are reviewed and analyzed.

Salient features of Altair EDEM include:

  • Simulate Any Material: Model a wide variety of real world materials such as large rocks, fine powders, grains, fibers, and tablets
  • Realistic Material Behavior: Comprehensive range of validated physics models for representing any material behavior such as dry, sticky, or compressible.
  • Fast and Easy Workflow: Intuitive user interface for quick simulation set-up
  • Advanced Analysis: Extensive set of built-in tools for visualization and analysis
  • Customization: Custom physics with EDEM’s API for complex simulations and advanced material behavior such as wet coating, agglomeration, breakage, magnetic particles, and more
  • CAE Integration: Couple EDEM with FEA and MBD tools to include realistic material loads in structural and system dynamics analysis. Combine with CFD tools for accurate simulation of particle-fluid systems.

Altair EDEM tool is beneficial for industries like construction, off-highway, mining, agriculture, space exploration and process industries.

DesignTech Systems is the business partner of Altair EDEM in India and Singapore.