

Vuforia Engine

Vuforia Engine

Vuforia Engine is one of the most popular AR software tools. The popular choice of about half a million developers around the world, Vuforia Engine is popular for its advanced computer vision, calibrated performance and cross-platform reach. Vuforia Engine’s recognition and tracking capabilities can be used on a variety of images and objects. This AR development platform from PTC provides support for leading phones, tablets and eyewear. Using vuforia Engine, it is possible to add advanced computer vision functionality to Android, iOS, and UWP apps, to create AR experiences that realistically interact with objects and the environment. The Vuforia Engine can recognize and track a wide range of 3D objects, enabling Object Targets to be created by scanning physical objects. In addition, it allows you to create apps that recognize and track intricate rigid objects.

The Vuforia Engine Library contains technical documentation to help developers be successful with Vuforia's SDK and create AR applications. It is well organized, organized by major feature categories like Image, Objects and Environments. The Vuforia Engine Library supports both the Unity Engine as well as the three major native platforms: iOS, Android and UWP. It is also replete with Vuforia Engine API documentation that includes C# APIs for Unity, C++ APIs for iOS and UWP and Java for Android

For more information on PTC AR products, you can also visit the website